Booking 2.0 Beta 2 (deprecated)

Standard documentation

What can you expect from the 永利皇宫app下载注册 interface standard?

The 永利皇宫app下载注册 interface standard aims at standardizing the communication between data consumer and data provider. While the standardised processes and terminology can be applied to any messaging media (e.g. email, EDI, etc.), APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the modern standard for interoperable, digital data communication, enabling real-time data exchange, faster innovation and great customer experience. You can read more about the benefits of APIs here: 永利皇宫app下载注册 - Driving digitalisation in container shipping.

In collaboration with its member carriers, 永利皇宫app下载注册 has developed OpenAPI specifications supporting the use cases and user stories defined in the 永利皇宫app下载注册 Interface Standards. 永利皇宫app下载注册 OpenAPIs are published on 永利皇宫app下载注册 SwaggerHub and are available to the general audience and developers for usage and feedback. More information on the OpenAPI specifications for the Booking process and the Bill of Lading can be found here: Booking, Bill of Lading.

Standard documentation chapters

Suggested improvements

The 永利皇宫app下载注册 Interface Standard is an evolving document, which will change as processes and best practise across the industry change. For this reason, 永利皇宫app下载注册 is always interested in feedback that can improve the quality of published work and drive standardisation and digitalisation going forward. If you have any input please use the feedback form to provide your feedback